Monthly Archives: May 2012

Final Topic!


1. The Most Important ,Numero Uno: Network!

You do NOT start off in your dream job  without hard work in this industry unless the magic fairy comes down and sprinkles you with fairy dust.  Networking and talking to as many people as you can is so important, because you never know where those connections will lead you. Always be on your toes and make sure you stand out. All of these requirements require constant passion to be the best.

2. Get Creative

Being creative is so important in this industry. Not just the frills of making something look like the perfect picture,but the starting process of a project. You have to make your blog posts captivating and well written. Don’t follow trends, Start them! If you look and act like everyone else, no one is going to recognize the great things you can do!

3. Adapt to the situation

I have learned from our guest speakers and presentations that you need to learn to adapt to various parts of public relations. This doesn’t mean stop trying to stand out. You won’t always end up in your dream job, but you need to learn how to make it work! Just because you end up in non-profit doesn’t mean you will always be there. Work your hardest and remember number one! If you do that then you will most likely be able to get where you want in the public relations field.

4. Check Yourself

When creating a press release, advertisement, media plan, etc. make sure you have it to as close perfect as you can get it. No one wants to look at a portfolio full of mistakes! It’s painful and let’s be honest you wouldn’t want to look through it either!

5. Youtube is not your friend!

Even though your company may remove something from their website chances are so really angry people have already put it on Youtube.  While the Youtube videos where hilarious and good teaching tools, I feel bad for the companies that can’t get away from them. Public Relations nightmare? How are you supposed to correct and apologize for sometime if it just keeps popping up all over Youtube?