Monthly Archives: November 2012

Sesame Childhood Tarnished?


I think that Sesame Street’s public relations team has handle the situation extremely well. Clash issued a statement of apology when leaving the set. You have  to remind the public that Sesame Street is an educational program. One that has been helping young kids learning their ABC’s and 1-2-3s. People do not watch the show because they know that Kevin Clash is the voice of Elmo. They watch the show because it is kid friendly and appropriate. The likelihood of your child knowing that Elmo is actually a puppet let alone was operated by someone who had sex with minors is slim. Only if you or one of your adult friends or family lets it slip will your child ever associate their beloved furry friend as sinister and repugnant. 

I also think that they need to find someone else to play Elmo. Why not? Younger children will probably not pick up on the subtle changes in Elmo’s voice. Parent’s will feel better knowing someone fresh is in the position and after time people will only remember the character. Eventually you have to move on. This is serious matter for Kevin Clash, but now that he is no longer part of the Sesame Street team his legal battles are his own. Not the Networks. 

It would be sad to see the beloved character of Elmo disappear because of one man’s actions. I am not trying to say their shouldn’t be justice for the victims, but I also don’t think that Elmo should be taken from children. 


These are a few of my favorite…movies!


Top Ten List of Movies:

  1. Pride & Prejudice
  2. The Breakfast Club
  3. Elf
  4. Grease
  5. The Sound of Music
  6. Any Harry Potter
  7. Vegas Vacation
  8. Any of the new Batman series
  9. Never Been Kissed
  10. Fever Pitch


Some of these I grew up watching and others I just like because I find them extremely funny. Pride and Prejudice is my number one because I read the book and then it was turned into the film adaptation.  I really enjoy the way it was filmed and I feel Kiera Knightly embodied the role of Elizabeth. Also, the movie hit on all of the main points of the book.

I just saw Skyfall, the new James Bond movie and it was so good. The whole mystery of the 007 and the twists and turns and action. I am excited for Monsters Inc. 3d. A little childish but hey they are  flashing back to their college years. Other than that I would be lucky if I could afford to go see another movie. Skyfall cost my boyfriend and I $30.

Apps on my Phone


I have Facebook , Twitter, Word Warp, Pinterest, Patagonia, etc. all on my phone. I really use my social media apps the most. The other apps I use are just when I really remember to play them. I don’t like to pay for apps. I don’t think it is really worth it. All my apps are free and I am doing just fine. If I saw great benefits for upgrading to the paid app then I might pay one dollar. That is my max.I wouldn’t feel right paying more for something I will eventually grow tired of. 

Apps also help me to be thrifty. Scoutmob and GasBuddy show you where great deals on dining, shopping and gas are. They send you alerts and allow you to download coupons right then and there. These are positive apps that have not really made me addicted to my phone, but helped me save!

I have recommended snapchat to my friends. It is a fun app where you can take a picture of your self and send it to friends. The catch is that the picture only lasts for ten seconds and then goes away forever. Fun right? 

An app I was told to get was Temple Run. I loved it when I got it, but by the time I got it a lot of people had already beaten the game. It was hard for people to get excited when I was talking about the app to them, because my milestones where small pennies compared to theirs’.