Monthly Archives: December 2012

Summing Up the Semester


I think when most people think about social media they don’t define it as Facebook or Twitter. This class has taken a look as to what companies can do with recognizing these basically free advertising. Not only has it taught me the importance of posting, tweeting, etc. but it has also taught me about the importance of engaging and interacting with customers. Not only that but there are categories that can apply to a customer and each must be handle as individuals. For example you have  a Prima Donna, Happy customer, one-time complainer, etc. Also, looking and talking about how companies handle crisis and adopting new social media practices like a online press room.

Not just one person can adopt the role of social media monitor. There is too much going on with competitors and customers when your company is communicating on a large scale. To keep your customers feeling like they are being listened to you have to have someone looking out for people to respond to. This helps make sure that you are receiving the greatest return on your investment. You also have to analyze if  your company can handle new practices or if they have the people power to do so. 

As for additions to this class I could only see adding more discussion requirements on how we would handle each topic. It would give us great insight into how to improve things for our company and problem solving skills for the future. Overall I really enjoyed this class. I really just thought you just had to post and tweet, but really there is so much more that goes into social media monitoring.